It has been super busy here in the MTC sorry for not sending any
mail.. I have them written and in an envelope I just haven't had time to
get stamps. To start off I love my sister missionaries they are so
great!! There are six of us in a room and my sister missionaries are
The sisters in my district are Stone, Simmons, Nielsen and I. The
Elders are Carter, Lane, Ramirez, Labrum, Mcfarland, Payne, and
Staveley. We have such a great group we get along very well. Sometimes
there are some anger management issues in our class but so far nothing
too serious. My companion is sister Nielsen and she is pretty great! She
loves to talk and laugh and sing, and then there is me and I'm all quiet
trying to understand what she just said. Anywho, the very first day I
got to the MTC during lunch I ran into Cindy!! I was like yess!!! I
wasn't expecting to see anybody I knew the enitre time I was here but I
have seen several people. I have also seen Elder Frampton and he seems
to be doing great, he is smiling and laughing every time I see him in
the cafeteria. On the first day after lunch we got to go and be part of a
group investigator meeting. It was a real eye opener of what kind of
questions and stuff we were going to run into as we go out into the
field. It was kind of uncomfortable at first because no one knew what to
say or do, but eventually we became comfortable and started asking
questions and answering their questions.
My roommates are pretty awesome they are soo funny! they are all
younger than I am but that isn't saying much. they are all 19 and I am
On July 4th was probably one of the craziest days I have
had yet at the MTC. We got up at 6 to be at gym time by 6:20. We went
into a small room where there were a bunch of Oliptical walker things
and a bunch of weights. I discovered that I hate olipiticals and they
hurt my thighs if I walk on them for 45 min. After gym we only had 30
min to get ready and head to class so it was super stressful trying to
take a shower and get all ready and be on time to class but everything
worked out just fine except for my hair... it basically stayed in a fro.
Our zone here in the MTC has been pretty amazing. The first people
we met from the leadership was Sister Vail'lala and Adair. They are the
sweetest people ever! They are headed to DC today and we are going to
miss them very much. but they were very accepting and wanted everyone to
get to know each other that was their challenge. so we so far have
eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner as a zone every single day! It was so
great to hear their testimonies and to laugh and have fun together.
Another thing that happened on July 4th was that sister Despain came in
(she is an elderly woman) and she asked to speak with me. We had, the
day before, done a survey kind of thing and she was following up on it. I
was a little worried for a second that something was wrong and I forgot
to do something before I got to the MTC. but she was just wondering if
me an my companion Sister Nielsen would like to do a class to help us
understand and read the book of mormon better. The classes were so
amazing they helped me open my eyes to the different things we could get
out fo the Book of Mormon and the Bible. I have learned so much from
her little classes with us and I am so grateful that I had that
opportunity to get to participate in that class. I feel more confident
in the way I study for things now.
After talking with her about participating in classes we went to a
small workshop where we discussed the importance of seeing people the way
God would see them. by truly getting to know them and trying to
understand their life stories and become connected with them. They said
it was important to get to know the people, because we are not going on a
mission for ourselves we are going on a mission for the people. They
told us to be mindful as we went through our missions for the blessings
we have and how they will affect us. the first thing that popped into my
mind was during lunch and how it was helped paid for by the tithe
payers of the church. I have also felt the blessing for myself from
other people. My family is supporting me on my mission. The Braithwaite
side is helping me. so many people are helping me on my mission and I am
so grateful, I never realized how blessed i am to have so many people
looking out for me and providing a way for me to accomplish all that is
needed for me. I know that as I serve a mission that my family will also
receive blessing.
After Lunch (this is still July 4th) we had class with Sister
Kahawaii and she is so amazing! she had us express how we were feeling
right at that moment on our second day at the MTC and how these feelings
could be related to our future investigators and how they would feel
after hearing the gospel. I never realized how overwhelming and
frightening that it could be. Anywho, after that she went over the
Fundamentals of being on a mission. she also had explained to us how it
was decision on what kind of missionary we were going to be. we are
supposed to move from doing what a missionary would do. to becoming/
being a missionary. doing -> beocoming. she said it was up to us to
fill in the blank: [________] Missionary. It really made me think about
how I was going to become the missionary I wanted to be, and there are
so many things that I need to work on but I know that the Lord is on my
side and will make all things possible for me.
After class we had dinner and then headed strait for the fourth of
July Fireside. It was called the Independence fireside. In every
Fireside/ Devotional we sing several songs before it even starts and it
helped me realize how much music can bring the spirit to a room. For the
fireside we got to watch "17 Miracles". It was an amazing movie. I loved
it. I have never really cried during a movie, but I felt the spirit so
strongly that my emotions got the best of me. It helped me realize the
faithfulness of the saints and how we may be put down by others but we
have to keep moving and not be discouraged and continue loving the Lord.
After watching 17 Miracles we went outside and "watched" the
fireworks. I say "watched" because we couldn't really see them. We were
watching them through trees and basically could only hear the sounds of
the fireworks going off. We got to stay up till 11 which I thought was
great! until the next day haha.
July 5th.
Sister Nielsen and I got to teach our first
"Investigator" it was really our teacher Brother Makahilahila but we
called him 'Ryan'. He is a pretty relaxed guy and doesn't really know
where he is going in life. I'm not going to lie our first lesson with
him went pretty terrible. We explained prayer pretty well but... then we
asked him a little too soon if he would pray. he was a little weirded
out and was like "what??" Yeah it went pretty bad. But the Second lesson
went much better. it was the next day and we got to talk to him about
the restoration fo the Gospel and he seemed pretty accepting of it.The
Third time was even Better!! We talked about the Book of Mormon and he
said he would read it!! Sister Nielsen and I were both excited! We will
be teaching him again on Friday. During class on the 5th was pretty
tense... there was a lot of anger. Elder Lane seems to be having some
problems controlling his anger and it made everyone super uncomfortable,
and we can still feel the discomfort in the room everytime we go to
class. but the first thing that popped into my head was a quote after he
kinda exploded in class: "People will make you mad, disrespect you and
treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, because hate in your
heart will consume you too. "
I felt kind of down the rest of the day until personal exercise time. we have a sister in our room who was an MMA fighter, Sister Johnson, She is pretty legit. Anywho she led us in our workout and it was pretty intense. My Thighs burrrrnnned!! and we got a lot of laughs out of how ridiculous we looked trying to do everything she could do.
I felt kind of down the rest of the day until personal exercise time. we have a sister in our room who was an MMA fighter, Sister Johnson, She is pretty legit. Anywho she led us in our workout and it was pretty intense. My Thighs burrrrnnned!! and we got a lot of laughs out of how ridiculous we looked trying to do everything she could do.
All of my MTC roommates are amazing individuals. I can just see the
Light basically radiating from them. They are basically angels...
besides their weird sense of humor haha. They can be kind of silly at
times. but they are a huge example to me. We Pray and read our
scriptures together, and it has really helped build my testimony and
trust in them and the Lord.
Time is running short! and I still haven't written everything but I
will try and write more later. I don't have another P-day till I am out
in the field.... so yeah. I leave July 16th at 3 in the morning and I
will probably call home during our layover... I'm not really sure when
that will be. I will try and send a Letter.
I Love you all, and I am praying for you! Be good! I love you!!!!
-Sister Karen Call
Sent July 10, 2013 from MTC
Glad to finally hear from you ;)